Tuesday, April 12, 2011


What can I say, I loved everything about this woman. She was rummaging through trash in a dumpster. Seems the people look through anything re-usable or recycle-able to use or sell. This woman's gaze was so penetrating. We locked eyes for a few moments and I couldn't take mine away. I felt like she looked right through to my soul. The picture says it all..


  1. This is an amazing pic! What an attractive woman in what always appears to be a desperate situation. Her eyes don't give her away. What is she thinking... scorn? interest? pride? disbelief? What are your thoughts?

  2. I was absolutely captivated by her gaze. I saw a strong woman in a desperate situation with a will and fighting spirit. Her gaze was so penetrating. We had a very strange momentary connection.
